
You can download our Bible Talk podcast below:

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2024 – Semester 2

Talk 1: Meet Jesus: Eliminate Hunger (John 6:1-71) (Matt Smith)

2024 – Semester 1

Talk 1: Meet Jesus: in the pages of John’s Gospel (John 1:1-18) (Matt Smith)
Talk 2: Meet Jesus: through John the Baptist?! (John 1:19-51) (Matt Smith)
Talk 3: Meet Jesus: at a wedding (John 2:1-12) (Matt Smith)
Talk 4: Meet Jesus: in the dark (John 2:23-3:21) (Matt Smith)
Talk 5: Meet Jesus: this Easter (John 3:16) (Matt Smith)
Talk 6: Meet Jesus: in unexpected places (John 4:1-42) (Matt Smith)
Talk 7: Seek Wisdom (Proverbs 1:1-7, 9:1-18) (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 8: Sampling Wisdom (Proverbs 14:1-35) (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 9: FOCUS Take-Over (John 5) (Javis Cheng)
Talk 10: The Mystery of Job (Job 1) (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 11: Seeking Great Things (Jeremiah 45) (Matt Smith)

2023 – Semester 2

Talk 1: The Word of God Comes to Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1) (Matt Smith)
Talk 2: The Word of God Announces Judgment (Jeremiah 2-6) (Matt Smith)
Talk 3a: Mission: Where Do I Belong? (Ed Surrey)
Talk 3b: Mission: Where Do I Belong? (Ed Surrey)
Talk 3c: Mission: Where Do I Belong? (Ed Surrey)
Talk 4: The Word of God Exposes False Refuge (Jeremiah 1-10) (Matt Smith)
Talk 5: The Word of God Leads Sheep to Slaughter (Jeremiah 11-17) (Matt Smith)
Talk 6: The Word of God to the Committed (Jeremiah 18-20) (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 7: The Word of God Condemns the Shepherds (Jeremiah 21-24) (Matt Smith)
Talk 8: The Word of God in the Mouths of the Prophets (Jeremiah 25-29) (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 9: The Word of God Offers Future Hope (Jeremiah 30-34) (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 10: The Word of God Destroys the Nation (Jeremiah 35-45) (Matt Smith)
Talk 11: The Word of God Against the Nations (Jeremiah 46-51) (Matt Smith)
Talk 12: The Word of God Finally Fulfilled (Jeremiah 52) (Matt Smith)

Mid Year Conference 2023

Talk 1: Crucial Need
Talk 2: Crucial Event
Talk 3: Crucial Living
Talk 4: Crucial Message

2023 – Semester 1

Talk 1: The Blessings of the Gospel (Ephesians 1:1-23) (Matt Smith)
Talk 2: The Grace of the Gospel (Ephesians 2:1-10) (Matt Smith)
Talk 3: The Mystery of the Gospel (Ephesians 2:11-3:21) (Matt Smith)
Talk 4: Living a Life Worthy of the Gospel (Ephesians 4:1-16) (Matt Smith)
Talk 5: The New You (Ephesians 4:17-32) (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 6: The Gospel We Preach (1 Corinthians 15:1-8) (Matt Smith) (Easter)
Talk 7: Living out God’s Will (Ephesians 5:1-21) (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 8: What Makes the Best Marriage? (Ephesians 5:21-6:9) (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 9: The Power of the Gospel (Ephesians 6:10-24) (Matt Smith)
Talk 10: Our Need for Holiness (Leviticus 1) (Matt Smith)
Talk 11: How God Makes Us Holy (Leviticus 4:1-21 and 6:1-7) (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 12: Our Response of Holiness (Leviticus 20) (Matt Smith)

2022 – Semester 2

Talk 1: Trusting the God who Promises (Deuteronomy 1-3) (Matt Smith)
Talk 2: Hearing the Invisible God (Deuteronomy 4) (Matt Smith)
Talk 3: I am what I do. (Matt Smith)
Talk 3: Who am I?  (Sam Alberry)
Talk 4: I am what I say I am. (Matt Smith)
Talk 4: What am I?  (Sam Alberry)
Talk 5: The 10 Commandments  (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 5: Law vs. Love?  (Ben Smart)
Talk 6: The Choice We Face (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 6: Law vs. Grace? (Ben Smart)
Talk 7: 2 Timothy 2:1-13 (Richard Chin)
Talk 7: Acts 12:1-24 (Matt Smith)
Talk 8: Love God (Extended Edition) (Deuteronomy 12-26 (Part 1)) (Ben Smart)
Talk 9: Love People (Extended Edition) (Deuteronomy 12-26 (Part 2)) (Ben Smart)
Talk 10: Deuteronomy 27-28 (Matt Smith)
Talk 11: Deuteronomy 29-30 (Matt Smith)
Talk 12: Deuteronomy 31-34 (Matt Smith)

Mid Year Conference 2022

Talk 1
Talk 2
Talk 3
Talk 4
Talk 5

2022 – Semester 1

Talk 1: Christians United? (1 Corinthians 1:1-17) (Matt Smith)
Talk 2: The Foolishness of the Message of the Cross (1 Corinthians 1:17-31) (Matt Smith)
Talk 3: Preaching the Message of the Cross (1 Corinthians 2:1-5) (Matt Smith)
Talk 4: The Wisdom of the Message of the Cross (1 Corinthians 2:6-16) (Matt Smith)
Talk 5: No More Boasting About Human Leaders (1 Corinthians 3) (Ben Smart) (Tuesday)
Talk 5: Don’t Mess with God’s Church (1 Corinthians 3) (Tim Thorburn) (Thursday)
Talk 6: The Scum of the Earth (1 Corinthians 4) (Ben Smart) (Tuesday)
Talk 6: Christians are the Scum of the Earth (1 Corinthians 4) (Tim Thorburn) (Thursday)
Talk 7: The Gospel We Preach (1 Corinthians 15) (Matt Smith) (Easter)
Talk 8: The Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 15-16) (Tim Thorburn) (Tuesday)
Talk 8: A New Exodus (Revelation 15-16) (Ben Smart) (Thursday)
Talk 9: How (not) to sell your soul to the devil (Revelation 17:1-19:10) (Tim Thorburn) (Tuesday)
Talk 9: The Great Prostitute (Revelation 17:1-19:10) (Ben Smart) (Thursday)
Talk 10: The Final Score: Jesus Wins (Revelation 19:11-21) (Matt Smith)
Talk 11: The End of the Rebellion (Revelation 20) (Matt Smith)
Talk 12: Our Forever Home (Revelation 21-22) (Matt Smith)

2021 – Semester 2

Talk 1: Uncover: The Times in Which We Live (Acts 2:1-41) (Matt Smith)
Talk 2: Uncover: The Gospel (Mark 1:1-15) (Matt Smith)
Talk 3: Uncover: Rescue from Our Real Sickness (Mark 2:1-17) (Matt Smith)
Talk 4: Uncover: Hope in a World of Death (Mark 4:35-5:43) (Matt Smith)
Talk 5: Uncover: Your Ears to Hear (Mark 4:1-20) (Matt Smith)
Talk 6: Uncover: The Suffering Messiah (Mark 8:11-9:1) (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 7: Uncover: The Heart of Our Problem (Mark 7:1-23) (Matt Smith)
Talk 8: Uncover: The Way into God’s Kingdom (Mark 10:17-31) (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 9: Uncover: The Servant-Heart of Jesus (Mark 10:32-52) (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 10: Uncover: The Clash of Kingdoms (Mark 11:1-12:12) (Tim Thorburn)
Talk 11: Uncover: The Crucified King (Mark 14:1-15:41) (Matt Smith)
Talk 12: Uncover: The Resurrected King (Mark 15:40-16:8) (Matt Smith)

Mid Year Conference 2021

Talk 1: Getting Traction on the Resurrection
Talk 2: The Resurrection of Jesus
Talk 3: Raised Like Christ
Talk 4: Raised With Christ
Talk 5: A Life of Hope

2021 – Semester 1

Promises, Promises (Joshua 1) (Ben Rae)
Promises, Promises (Joshua 1) (Matt Smith)
A Question of Loyalty (Joshua 2) Tim Thorburn
A Question of Loyalty (Joshua 2) Matt Smith
Convincing Miracles (Joshua 3-4) Ben Smart
Convincing Miracles (Joshua 3-4) Tim Thorburn
Conquering in the Name of God (Joshua 5-8) Ben Rae
Conquering in the Name of God (Joshua 5-8) Matt Smith
A Land of Our Own (Joshua 9-24) Ben Rae
A Land of Our Own (Joshua 9-24) Ben Smart
Easter: Christ Died for Us (Tim Thorburn)
Easter: Christ Died for Us (Matt Smith)
Hell on Earth (Rev 8-9) Ben Rae
Hell on Earth (Rev 8-9) Matt Smith
Killing Christians (Rev 10-11) Matt Smith
Killing Christians (Rev 10-11) Tim Thorburn
The Number of the Beast (Rev 13) Tim Thoburn
The Number of the Beast (Rev 13) Matt Smith
The 144,000 (Rev 14) MS
The 144,000 (Rev 14) TT
Life in the Light of Death (Ecclesiastes)

2020 – Semester 2

Who are we and where are we going? (Genesis 12)
Blessing in a broken world (Genesis 13-14)
How bad people can please a good God (Genesis 15-16)
God Repeats Himself Again (Gen 17) (Genesis 17)
The God of Justice and Mercy (Genesis 18-19) (Genesis 18-19)
Faithful God Unfaithful People (Genesis 20-21) (Genesis 20-21)
When Faith is Tested (Genesis 22) (Genesis 22)
Living by Faith (Genesis 23) (Genesis 23)
Receiving the Word of God (1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:16)
Gospel Anxiety (1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13)
Pleasing God (1 Thessalonians 4:1-12)
God’s Will for Your Life (1 Thessalonians 4:1-12)
Living and Dying with Hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:28) Tim Thorburn
Living and Dying with Hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:28) Matt Smith

2020 – Semester 1

Intro to the Apocalypse (Revelation 1)
What would Jesus say to you? (Revelation 2-3) (Ben Rae)
What would Jesus say to you? (Revelation 2-3) (Ben Smart)
The Centre of the Universe (Revelation 4-5) (Tim Thorburn)
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelation 6) (Matt Smith)
The 144,000 (Revelation 7) (Matt Smith)
The Return of Jesus (Tom Conyers)
Easter: God Shows His Power and Wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:17-25) (Tim Thorburn)
Easter: Dead Men Talking (Luke 23:32-49) (Matt Smith)
Rational Worship (Romans 12) Tim Thorburn
Rational Worship (Romans 12) Matt Smith
Politics and Religion (Romans 13) Tim Thorburn
Politics And Religion (Romans 13) Matt Smith
Judging Others (Romans 14:1-15:13) Ben Rae
Judging Others (Romans 14:1-15:13) Ben Smart
Gospel Strategy (Romans 15:14-33) Ben Rae
Gospel Strategy (Romans 15:14-33) Ben Smart
Team Jesus (Romans 16) Ben Rae
Team Jesus (Romans 16) Ben Smart
When Christians Disagree

2019 – Semester 2

Grace Reigns (Romans 5:12-21)
Let’s Be Bad! (Romans 6)
Law = Death (Romans 7)
Spiritual Life (Romans 8:1-17)
Liberating Creation (Romans 8:19-19)
Isn’t God Unfair? (Romans 9)
It Ain’t Rocket Science (Romans 10)
The Future of Israel (Romans 11)
Keeping Your Eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 11)
Standing Firm (Hebrews 12)
Yesterday, Today, and Forever (Hebrews 13)

Don’t be on the Wrong Side of History
Be Yourself No Matter What
Science Will Solve Everything
You Can Be Good Without God
Do What You Like as Long as Nobody Gets Hurt

2019 – Semester 1

We Can Know God (Hebrews 1:1-2:4)
Why God became human (Hebrews 2:5-3:6)
The Importance of Listening (Hebrews 3:7-4:16)
Why Bother With Anything? (Ecclesiastes 1-2)
Death and the Meaning of Life (Ecclesiastes 3)
Wisdom for Life (Ecclesiastes 4-6)
Life before Death (Ecclesiastes 7–12)
Easter: The Hope of a Better World (1 Corinthians 15)
How Dumb Can Wer Be? (Hebrews 4:14-6:20) (Hebrews 4:14-6:20)
Do I Need a Priest? (Hebrews 7-8) (Hebrews 7-8)
The Hope of a Clean Conscience (Hebrews 9)
Sticking With Jesus (Hebrews 10)

2018 Special Guests

Dr Luke Barnes – A Fortunate Universe

2018 – Semester 2

2018 Missions Why Talks

Mid Year Conference 2018 – Grace

  1. Lavished With Grace
  2. Grace and Freedom
  3. Grace and Love
  4. Grace and Forgiving
  5. Grace and Glory
  6. Extravagant Grace (Summary)

2018 – Semester 1

2017 Special Guests

Dr DA Carson – The Intolerance of Tolerance

Semester 2, 2017

Semester 1, 2017

Semester 2, 2016

Getting Life

Mid Year Conference 2016

Semester 1, 2016

Semester 2, 2015

Mid Year Conference 2015: The Kingdom of God

Uncover: See for yourself (Vaughan Roberts)

Semester 1, 2015

What do you crave? 2014

Semester 2, 2014

MYC 2014: The Beginning

Semester 1, 2014

Semester 2, 2013

CS Lewis Week, 2013

Semester 1, 2013

Semester 2 2012

Semester 1 2012